International Care and Well-Being development projects

Care and well-being projects in developing countries 

The general aim of these care and well-being development projects is to set up small-scale durable development projects about technology and dementia worldwide. 

The main target points of this care and well-being development projects for people with dementia and their caregivers are: 
– Assisted Technologies for health, well being, and quality of life 
– Coaching, education, and training 
– In depth assistment with setting- up and development of domestic JAIN Fieldlabs

Train the trainer projects
JAIN will coach the local people who will lead the projects and will develop and execute professional training in technology and health care and technique by example setting up training for well-being workers.

Knowledge transfer and implementation 
For effective knowledge transfer and implementation subjected to all mentioned initiatives JAIN will search connection in its professional network of universities, innovative companies and at the regular and not regular education institutions (all levels of education- primary school to universities) in the Netherlands. Also JAIN will search connection with doctors and therapists which have correct medical and paramedical expertise.