JAIN Foundation
JAIN Foundation aims to increase the well-being of people with dementia and/or memory problems and their family members, and informal caregivers of other loved ones worldwide with the help of artificial intelligence and smart applications.

The foundation is non-profit and serves the charitable purpose of improving the well-being of people with cognitive problems.

Formal Policy Plan 

JAIN Foundation Focus
The foundation focuses on promoting structured development processes in which artificial intelligence is integrated ‘tailor-made’ into business processes, services, and products.

Objectives and Activities of the Foundation
JAIN facilitates connections between companies, universities, healthcare and welfare organizations, and governments. To achieve this goal, the foundation conducts the following activities:

  1. Developing, acquiring, bundling, and disseminating specific product development knowledge.
  2. Stimulating relevant scientific research.
  3. Connecting networks of (representatives of) people with dementia, caregivers, healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, governments, financiers, scientific research institutes, and product development companies.
  4. Organizing substantive knowledge management activities such as informational activities, conferences, symposiums, expert sessions, workshops, and courses.
  5. Advising through network meetings and other public events of organizations on artificial intelligence and smart technological applications for people with dementia, their caregivers, and professional caregivers.
  6. Performing all further actions related to the above in the broadest sense or conducive thereto.


Acquisition of Income by the Foundation

The foundation obtains the necessary funds from various sources, including:

  1. Monetary contributions from participants.
  2. Monetary contributions from founding members.
  3. Monetary contributions from governments and subsidies.
  4. Compensation for proven services.
  5. Contributions from third parties for activities undertaken.
  6. Bequests, legacies, and donations.
  7. Other revenues.

Board of the JAIN Foundation
Prof. dr. Rose-Marie Dröes,  Chair
Drs. Thomas Engelsma,  Business Administration and Secretary
Dr. Franka Meiland, Treasurer
Jan Kees van Wijnen,  Member 
Prof. dr. Tibor Bosse, Member 
Hans Arnold, uitvoerend bestuurslid , Member  and  CEO 

Founding Members JAIN
Drs. Marco Blom, Alzheimer NL
Dr. Henk Herman Nap, Vilans
Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselstein, Technical University Eindhoven


Register Stichting JAIN Foundation
Kamer van Koophandel Nederland, nummer: 89004523
statuten, oprichting: ARS-29650.19
Belastingdienst Nederland, nummer: 8648500703

JAIN Foundation
Dorpsweg 126C
4223NH Hoornaar