World JAIN Challenge 2022
March 23rd + 24th Sweden, April 6th the Hague, The Netherlands
On the 23rd and 24th of March 2022 the WJC will be broadcasted by the Dutch Embassy in Sweden. On the 6th of April 2022, the WJC will be broadcasted by Zoom and YouTube from the meeting room of the RVO attachés in the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs in The Hague.
List of Confirmed Invited Speakers:
-Bengt van Loosdrecht, Ambassador of Sweden
-Prof. Charles Scerri, Vice-Chairmen of Alzheimer Europe
- Mrs.Franka Meiland, Dr, Chair Interdem WJC Jury
-Prof. Dr. Arlene Astell, University Health Network, Toronto Canada
-Prof. Bengt Winblad, MD, PhD- Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
-Prof. Dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn, University of Eindhoven/ ECDT
-Prof. Dr. Ye-Liang Hsu, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
-Mrs. Conny Helder, Dutch Minster of Health

World JAIN Challenge (WJC) on the 23rd and 24th of March 2022 and the WJC final on the 6th of April 2022
In close collaboration with INTERDEM, Alzheimer Nederland and Alzheimer Europe, JAIN will organize the World JAIN Challenge (WJC) on the 23rd, and the 24th of March 2022.
- Increase self-reliance and quality of life of people with memory problems or dementia and informal carers
- Extend the time that people with memory problems or dementia can live in one's own living environment
- Support informal carers, family, and healthcare professionals
- Reduce costs within healthcare promoting affordable healthcare, with the same number of FTE's serving more clients
The WJC will combine worldwide the knowledge of people with memory problems or dementia, informal carers, and healthcare professionals which will lead to improvements in dementia care. The WJC will bring all people involved together, from different countries, to form a World Learning Club, in which we learn from each other and inspire each other. Together we can take innovative steps in healthcare and thereby improve the lives of people with dementia and their informal carers.
The WJC 2022 is a public competition for developed or prototyped technical products and services based on Artificial Intelligence. It concerns products that support the quality of life and self-reliance of people with memory problems or dementia and their informal carers and that will support professionals and informal carers in providing optimal care for their loved ones. The announcement of the winners will be on the 6th of April 2022.
The event is organized for people with memory problems or dementia, informal carers, healthcare professionals, and others interested in these topics. The WJC 2022 is a competition in which an independent jury determines which is the best technical prototype or fully-fledged product of the World
Detailed description of executing the WJC
The WJC is a complete digital event that can be seen on Zoom and YouTube. The presenters will receive a WJC template that they can us as background to their presentation, to promote a uniformly virtual environment. All meetings will be hosted by Thomas Arnold, the co-founder of JAIN.
On the 23rd of March 2022, the WJC will be broadcasted by the Dutch Embassy in Sweden. The Dutch Ambassador of Sweden, Bengt van Loosdrecht, will open the WJC in accordance with the WJC program. The Dutch Innovation attachés John Dekker, the Chair of the Assessment Committee dr. Franka Meiland, and the founder of JAIN Hans Arnold will be present at the Embassy. The 3 selected finalists’ prototypes called the “pitchers”, will pitch their prototype presentation by means of Zoom from their own chosen location.
On the 24th of March 2022, the 3 speakers and 3 selected pitchers of products will give their presentation by Zoom from their own chosen location.
On the 6th of April 2022, the WJC will be broadcasted by Zoom and You Tube from the meeting room of the RVO attachés in the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs in The Hague. The discussion Internationalisation, Continuous Learning and Ethics "AI and Living with Dementia" between Drs. Jos de Groot (Director Digital Economy at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs), Mr. Roland Driece (Director International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport), Dr. Franka Meiland and Prof. Dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn, will be a hybrid event live discussions and broadcast by Zoom and You Tube. Subsequently Conny Helder, the Dutch Minister for Long-Term Care and Sport will announce the winner of the best prototype and the winner of the best full-fledged product. After that, the winners will say a word about their winner-ship. Thomas Arnold will close the WJC in name of JAIN.
On the 23rd and 24th of March 2022, the WJC will be broadcasted by the Dutch Embassy in Sweden from the Innovation floor of the Embassy. On the 6th of April 2022, the WJC final will be broadcasted from the RVO Studio in The Hague.